03/13/2025 – February Town Board Minutes

February 10, 2025

Click to download PW Town Meeting Minutes 02-10-2025

Meeting called to order at 7pm, by Chairman, Scott Jardine. Present were Scott Jardine, Ken Bodeen, Carri Hoagland, Pam Holt, Nora Tribys, Brett Bodeen, Troy Kavajecz and Sam Kurland. Motion was made to accept the meeting minutes from 1-16-2024 by Carri Hoagland, second by Ken Bodeen. All in favor. Motion was made by Ken Bodeen, second by Carri

Hoagland to accept the January 2025 Treasurer report. All in favor.

Citizen’s Input – Planning Commission. Sharon Graham reported – Planning meeting tomorrow (Feb 11th). Dock grants still in progress. Will update Park Ordinance 1997-1 at March meeting.

Fire Department/EMT. Reviewed Fire Department and EMT reports. Requested documentation for DNR grant to get reimbursement. This MUST be filed with the DNR before April 15th to receive our grant reimbursement of $9,100. Ken Bodeen will attend semi-annual ambulance meeting in Herbster on Feb 26th. Tygar Leveque reported on the gas leak at the town call. This has been repaired and gas leak/co detectors have been purchased and will be installed.


Waste pick up proposals reviewed. Motion made by Ken Bodeen to accept Republic Service 5 year proposal, second by Carri Hoagland. All in favor.

Solar Project/EV/Microgrid – no new update. Will need internet access installed at Wastewater plant and well site.

Blacktop/Road projects –Still unsure regarding date of Highway 13 re-pavement project. Need ad for Bids on Grand Ave project ASAP.

Town Policy Handbook – tabled for further work to be completed.

Equipment Database – tabled – on going project.

Bayfield County Land Use Development update meeting was well attended. This will be an on-going project.

Town laptop – Windows 11. $30 fee to keep Windows 10 updated for a year. Agreed to pay fee for updates. Will address Windows 11 at point of no further updates available.

Kinney Valley Grant report – Ken Bodeen will complete and get submitted before next meeting.


WEC Clerks Conference Sept 30-Oct 1st. Pam Holt will attend.

Spring Primary February 18th

ZONING REQUESTS: Discussed violation of parcel on School Road – being used as commercial but zoned residential. Parcel up for sale.

TOWN CREW REPORT: Furnace at town hall repaired (again). Reports from town residents that the town crew have been doing a great job with snow plowing. Need to research getting reimbursed for culvert inventory by Delmore. WI Rural Water has a conference in Green Bay March 25-28th – Sam Kurland should attend. Working on minor maintenance.

Someone rammed into portable potty at Quarry Beach. It had to be removed. Hopefully it will be back in place in the spring.

Next meeting set March 10, 2025, at 7pm AT FIRE HALL. Meeting adjourned by Carri Hoagland, second by Ken Bodeen. All in favor.

Respectively Submitted by Pam Lawrenz Holt, Town Clerk