2/17/2020 – Town Board Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm, by Chairman, Russell Bailey. Motion was made to accept the minutes as presented by Gary Williams, second by Ken Bodeen. Motion was made by Gary to accept the Treasurer’s report, second by Ken.
Citizen’s Input – Sharon Graham reported on the Planning Commission Meeting. The group decided to set standard 3rd Tuesday of every month for their monthly meetings. It will be at the fire hall. They are preparing questions for the survey. They plan to set up a table at the town’s annual meeting for people to be able to get/take the survey. They are also going to try to get something in the newspaper. The group is only in the information gathering stage and no time table has been set. They are reviewing other nearby town’s surveys. They plan on preparing something by the next annual meeting for needs. Clendon Gustafson will find someone who will come to the meetings from the school board.
Michelle Wheeler from the DNR mentioned that the DNR is interested in purchasing the 10 acre site where the sewer project is. They are also interested in 40 acres near the lake/quarry.
FEMA – still haven’t received last of the money.
90/10 projects – Russell spoke with Ryan Spight at the DOT in Madison. We were awarded 70% for the Kinney Valley Road Bridge project. (Nothing said about the Lakeshore Road repaving project). The remaining 30% could possibly be split with Bayfield County. Russell will double check with the county on the split. This should include the engineering.
Primary Election for 7th District and Supreme Court Justice tomorrow (Feb 18)
Door on town garage needs replacement. Proposal from Brule River Garage Door for $1,992. Motion to approve replacement by Gary and second by Ken.
Wisconsin Town Association meeting March 27th in Cable. Ken Bodeen and Pam Holt will attend.
No citizen interest on being on WITC Board.
Need to make changes on Master Road agreement with Forestry service (Remove Dwight and add Russell).
Clerk training in Green Bay in July 2020. Pam would like to go. Town would pay for training. Pam does not need hotel. Need to make sure it is ok for Pam to go.
Ken and Pam went to the Bayfield County hosted town meeting. Discussions about 90/10, advocacy program, flood preparedness.
Leann Hess reported that the next Cemetery meeting will be March 18 6:30 pm at Leanne’s house. Have sign about cleaning up grave sites. Steve does not have to reapply for cemetery maintenance position.
Town Hall doors are in disrepair. Museum committee is willing to pay for replacements. Two side doors need to have a window in them. Russ and Troy will work on getting bids from Sell Doors in Duluth and Brule River Doors.
Town Hall roof – no leaking!
Ken – asked about closing 6th Street during the Church’s 120th Anniversary celebration in August.
Zoning: none
Troy reported that there has been lots of overtime plowing snow. The truck recall was taken care of and check engine light for low coolant sensor was repaired at the same time. Mid state truck needs a credit application filled out. Sewer- process working ok. DNR want to update land application forms. DNR wants us to remove solids from primary tank. It will probably be cheaper to haul solids to Superior or Ashland. DNR getting back with companies that could haul the solids. There is a chemical that also works to break down the solids. Troy needs to attend convention in LaCrosse March 16-20 to keep his license. Duwayne had water calls this week. Russell went to Washburn and met with Ben Dufford regarding Almsteads Hill. The county will meet us to look at issues. 100 years of dead willow holding water back.
Next town meeting set for March 9, 2020 at 7pm. (Originally set for March 2nd but updated by Russell).
Motion made to adjourn by Ken, second by Gary.
Respectively submitted by Pam Holt, Assistant to Town Clerk