3/15/2023 – February Town Board Minutes


February 13, 2023

Click to down load PW Town Meeting Minutes 2-13-23

Meeting called to order at 7 pm, by Chairman, Russell Bailey.    Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Russell Bailey, Ken Bodeen, Scott Jardine, Pam Holt, Marge Ogren, Nora Tribys, Brett Bodeen, DuWayne Zupke and Troy Kavajecz. Motion was made to accept the meeting minutes from 1-9-2023 by Ken Bodeen, second by Scott Jardine.  All in favor. Motion was made to accept the caucus meeting minutes from 1-9-2023 by Ken Bodeen, second by Scott Jardine.  All in favor. Motion was made by Scott Jardine to accept the January 2023 Treasurer report, second by Ken Bodeen.  All in favor

Fire Department/EMT.   Ambulance report read.  Stacy Danula updated status of protective gear needed that is now “expired”.  They will be applying for grants to offset the costs.

Citizen’s Input

  • Planning Committee. Ken Zivic – the committee is taking the list of issues and prioritizing them on a spreadsheet to present to the town board.
  • Swanson Road – Marjorie and Walter Borgstrom requested name change to Borgstrom Road. Motion made by Scott Jardine to change the Road to Borgstrom Road, second by Ken Bodeen.  All in favor.


  • Blacktop projects – Ken working on new submittals for grants (White Birch Road). New program that allows 100% grant coverage for certain bridges.  Beach Rd Bridge qualifies for this program.


  • South Shore Ambulance Board Meeting – Ken attended meeting. Purchasing new ambulance for aprox $369,000.  Mostly paid with grant dollars and auxiliary funds.  Port Wing’s share will be $36,356 to be paid over 10 years.  There is a two-year waiting period for delivery of ambulance.
  • Reviewed County Timber Sale revenue
  • Leann Hess requested a date for Cemetery board meeting. Set for March 15, 2023 at 7pm at Town Hall.
  • Jardine’s South Shore Bar. Reviewed new application.  Motion was made to accept the application by Scott Jardine, second by Ken Bodeen.  All in favor.
  • Ken will attend the March 31st Regional Town’s Association meeting in Lakewood.
  • May 1st – Virtual training for Board of Review.


OPERATOR’S INPUT:  Troy reported that they have been working on pushing banks back.  Snow is being pushed across the road by a handful of residents.  This makes it very difficult and unsafe to keep the sides of the road clear for our plows.    One culvert is frozen on Touve.  Holiday lights are down.  Repairing grader.  Still waiting on new pump for sewer plant.  Need 3 radios for dump truck, backhoe and grader.

Next meeting set for Monday March 13, 2023 at 7pm.   Meeting adjourned by Scott Jardine, a second by Ken Bodeen.  All in favor.

Respectively Submitted by Pam Lawrenz Holt, Town Clerk