3/9/2020 – Town Board Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm, by Chairman, Russell Bailey. Motion was made to accept the minutes as presented by Gary Williams, second by Ken Bodeen. Motion was made by Gary to accept the Treasurer’s report, second by Ken.
Citizen’s Input – Sheila Bergman – Asked if they could put a gravel driveway in at 8770 7th Street. Troy mentioned the hydrant and to stay away from it. No one from town objected. Sheila also needs town to finish vacating street that intersects with their property at 9030School Road. Paperwork not finished with Bayfield County from November 2016. Need a deed and real estate transfer. Nora will contact John Carlson, attorney in Washburn to help town to complete the process.
FEMA – still haven’t received last of the money on White Birch Road.
90/10 projects – Ken Bodeen – We received an official notice from the multimodal grant people concerning the Kinney Road Bridge project. We should receive more information and a contract later but it appears they will be awarding us with a 70% grant to replace the bridge. The remaining 30% may be split with the County.
Lakeview Road – still need to find resources to fix the road. Suggested to put milling down. The repair on Jardine Road is holding up so perhaps that is a good solution for Lakeview Road.
Election on April 7th – Presidential Primary
Doors on Town Hall. Received Bids from Klein Carpentry. Steel doors very expensive. Going to get wooden door estimate. Will let Historical Society know bid results and see what they will contribute.
Beth Hoagland and 2 students from the South Shore High School brought in ideas for the sign at the Sewer Pond Restoration site. Michelle Wheeler invited the students to help design the sign. Want to put logos of the partners who helped with the project. Three main ideas – educate visitors on habitat features, highlight species of animals and plants and show the benefits of the restoration project. Board liked the 1st option. Backwaters of Bibon Lake was recommended as a name for the area.
Need to get Gravel Bids – notice posted. Marge and Pam will review budget to see what is budgeted for 2020. We can probably assume $18-19 per yard.
Eagle Waste rep called and wants to come to Town Meeting. Brett said they are doing well.
Fire Dept – Tygar brought in their meeting minutes. Pointed out costs spent on repairs for old trucks.
Chairman of Cornucopia contacted Russell about our emergency disaster plan. Discussed with Tygar and mentioned the School Shooter drill last year. The Fire Department has a call list for services town may need in an emergency. Thought we should get a copy of Cornucopia’s plan to see if we can get ideas to add to our plan.
FEMA Risk Maps – Meeting March 19th.
Russell signed Town of Clover Ambulance Agreement.
Load Restrictions started today (Mar 9). 5-ton total weight.
2020 Census will start soon. Website available for citizen’s questions or concerns.
Harbor Assistance request from Wisconsin DOT. Grants available. Sheila Bergman mentioned the Business Association would like a web cam at the harbor on the pier. Need to get permission from the Army Corp of Engineers (Head is out of Detroit). Perhaps need dredging? Road to Harbor repairs (Lakeview Road)?
Zoning: none
Troy – waste report signed and will get submitted. We will get a bill.
Forestry agreement – need repairs on ½ mile of Hjalmer Road. Estimate of $18,750 sent to county.
Busy getting water off road and cleaning ditches.
Low on cones – need to order
School asked to use baseball field – no problem for them to use.
Date for accepting metal at dump. Decided on summer hours – May to end of Sept.
Next town meeting set for April 6, 2020 at 7pm.
Motion made to adjourn by Ken, second by Gary.
Respectively submitted by Pam Holt, Deputy Town Clerk