6/10/2024 – April Town Board Minutes

April 16, 2024

Click to download PW Town Meeting Minutes 4-16-2024

Meeting called to order at 8:15 pm, by Chairman, Scott Jardine. Present were Scott Jardine, Ken Bodeen, Carri Hoagland, Pam Holt, Nora Tribys, Brett Bodeen, Marge Ogren, and Sam Kurland. Motion was made to accept the meeting minutes from 3-19-2024 by Ken Bodeen, second by Carri Hoagland. All in favor.

Motion was made by Carri Hoagland, second by Ken Bodeen to accept the March 2024 Treasurer report. All in favor.

Citizen’s Input

Planning Commission. Motion to appoint Members to the Planning Commission and their term of office as follows by Carri Hoagland, second by Ken Bodeen: Sharon Graham, Chair-2 years, Ken Bodeee-Town Board Representative- 3 years, Bill Hettler-3 years, Judie Moyer-1 year, Teri Zivic-1 year, Ken Zivic-3 years, Gayle Gonsior-2 years, Ann Workman-alternative. All in favor.

Fire Department/EMT. Reviewed Fire Department and EMT reports. Tygar reported they are looking at purchasing Wild Fire gear.


Solar Project/EV/Microgrid – Nothing new to report.

Blacktop projects –Received award for a portion of Grand Ave.

Received $4000 town road aid for Battle Axe Road from Bayfield County

Sewer extension on 5th St. – After much discussion a motion was made by Carri Hoagland to table project until next year. Second by Ken Bodeen. All in favor.

Fish Cleaning Station – Sharon Graham to coordinate grant with Coastal Management.

Town Signs – Heather will submit samples with cost.

Wisconsin DOT – Speed Limit through town/Crosswalks. Still researching viability. Ken Bodeen will attend meeting in Herbster.

South Shore School Improvements – survey going out to community.


Lawn Mower – we need trade in old mower. Motion by Carri Hoagland to purchase new mower (60” ZG327) , second by Ken Bodeen. All in favor.

Annual Clean Up Day set for June 1st


OPERATOR’S INPUT: Sam reported culvert Inventory complete. Hydrants to be flushed. Completing Water Service inventory. Will be getting black top patch.

Next meeting set for May 13, 2024, at 7pm AT FIRE HALL Meeting adjourned by Ken Bodeen, second by Carri Hoagland. All in favor. Open Book set for June 10, 2024 5-7 and Board of Review set for June 17,

2024 5-7pm.

Respectively Submitted by Pam Lawrenz Holt, Town Clerk