6/24/2024 – May Town Board Minutes

May 13, 2024

Click to download PW Town Meeting Minutes 5-13-2024

Meeting called to order at 7pm, by Chairman, Scott Jardine. Present were Scott Jardine, Ken Bodeen, Carri Hoagland, Pam Holt, Nora Tribys, Brett Bodeen, Troy Kavajecz and Sam Kurland. Motion was made to accept the meeting minutes from 4-16-24 by Carri Hoagland, second by Ken Bodeen. All in favor.

Motion was made by Ken Bodeen, second by Carri Hoagland to accept the April 2024 Treasurer report. All in favor.

Citizen’s Input

Planning Commission. Sharon Graham reported the Planning Commission is applying for a grant with the WI DOA for the Harbor dock repairs/replacement. Sharon also report the standard Planning Commission meeting will be the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm at the Town Hall.

Fire Department/EMT. Reviewed Fire Department and EMT reports. The Rescue Truck is out of commission – thought it was generator and/or transmission related. Now issues with PTO.


Annual Clean Up Day set for June 1st  9-noon. Lunch served at town hall.

Solar Project/EV/Microgrid – Engineering should begin in June.

Blacktop projects –Culverts on Highway 13 will begin this year. 2025 for blacktop.

Sewer extension on 5th St. – review letter received from Ted Morrison

Fish Cleaning Station – Sharon Graham to coordinate grant with Coastal Management.

Town Signs – Motion made by Ken Bodeen to select design #2, second by Carri Hoagland. All in favor.

Wisconsin DOT – Speed Limit through town/Crosswalks. Still researching viability. New meeting scheduled in Herbster.

South Shore School Improvements – survey was sent out.

Liquor Licenses. Motion made to accept Jardine’s South Shore Bar liquor license application which renews July 1, 2024, by Ken Bodeen, second by Carri Hoagland. All in favor. Motion made to accept The Port’s liquor license application which renews July 1, 2024, by Carri Hoagland, second by Ken Bodeen. All in favor. Motion made to accept Johnson’s Store liquor license application which renews July 1, 2024, by Carri Hoagland, second by Ken Bodeen. All in favor.

Lawn Mower – Motion by Carri Hoagland to purchase back the Fish Boil’s lawn mower that was traded in, second by Ken Bodeen. All in favor.


Fire Works permitting. Update form. Email Fire Department when permits are requested.

ZONING REQUESTS: Everett Fisheries – new building. Motion made to approve Town Board Recommendation Form for a Conditional Use permit by Carri Hoagland, second by Ken Bodeen. All in favor.

OPERATOR’S INPUT: Troy reported that the one of the docks cannot be used anymore. Dangerous and in disrepair. Need to put up new “No Camping” and “Trailer Parking” signs. Used a roller on Flag River Road (borrowed from another township). Xcel has beat up roads during their construction. We do have an agreement in place that says they will repair any damages made to our roads. Going to Waste Water training in Danbury on May 14th for required CPE credit.

Next meeting set for June 17, 2024, at 7pm AT FIRE HALL Meeting adjourned by Ken Bodeen, second by

Carri Hoagland. All in favor. Open Book set for June 10, 2024 5-7 and Board of Review set for June 17, 2024 5-7pm – at the TOWN HALL

Respectively Submitted by Pam Lawrenz Holt, Town Clerk