6/8/2020 – Town Board Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm, by Chairman, Russell Bailey. This meeting was virtual via Zoom in the Town Office, Russell Bailey, Ken Bodeen and Gary Williams at the table in the office, Marge was present in the office to take minutes and workers Troy, DuWayne and Brett were also present. Pam was on the stage in the Town Hall running the Zoom process and Nora was with her on the stage. We have hopes this arrangement will work out better with less noise and static.
Motion was made to accept the minutes as presented by Ken, second by Gary. Motion was made by Gary to accept the treasurer’s report with a second by Ken.
Citizen’s Input – Via Zoom – We have a report from John Berton and Jon Hove the Plein Air event for 2020 has been cancelled due to the Covid-19. The Fish Boil Club will have a meeting on Friday to decide about the Fish Boil Event.
We did finally receive our final check from FEMA for the repairs to Flagg River Road and White Birch Road after the flood a couple years ago. Many thanks to Cody Kamrowski with Wisconsin’s Emergency Management and to Russell for all the work that was put into getting this project finally finished.
Ken and Russ have met with an engineering firm and they are beginning to line up the project of replacing the bridge on Kinney Valley Road. Thanks to the grant writing work by Ken Bodeen on the grant application we have been awarded a Multimodal Supplement Grant with WisDOT and have now received a contract. The next step will be to get an ad in the paper to get bids from engineering firms that are willing to take on the project. The engineer that did stop and look at the project suggested we might have to re-position the bridge a little and we will also have to work with the DNR due to the wetlands in the area.
We are still getting information daily from the State, Health Departments, Etc. concerning the Covid-19, they are all still recommending “Social Distancing, Masks and Gloves” to stay safe.
Still waiting for a firm bid on the doors for the Town Hall after all the changes we made.
Have not heard anything yet on the Health infrastructure grant we applied for.
Motion was made by Gary with a second by Ken to approve the application from Jane Snilsberg to have sewer and water hook-up made to her property in Block # S 33/T 50/R 08W 9135 Sunnyside Lane and the application was signed by Russell. Clerk will forward a copy to Ms. Snilsberg.
Ambulance report was read – 4 calls for Port Wing last month.
Tygar LeVeque, fire chief called in via Zoom to report the bank has applied for a grant that would help the fire departments and the ambulance units in the surrounding area and our fire department will receive a portion of the grant – the funds will be sent to the Town and then on to the Fire Department. Tygar also reported the Department will be starting with more training in the near future.
Clerk reported we received a re-cycling grant again this year in the amount of $3,831.00.
The assessors are ready for our annual Board of Review Meeting, suggestion was made to have the meeting on July 13 – assessors will set their “open book” hours and the BOR meeting will be on July 13 at 5:00 pm with our next Regular Board Meeting immediately following at 7:00 pm.
Troy and DuWayne have completed the CMAR report #2020-6-8, motion made by Ken to pass a resolution to accept the report and send it on to the DNR, motion seconded by Gary, report signed by Russ.
DNR sent us a transfer order – Allen Kruger enrolled land into the MFL for a 25 year period.
Received a Master Cooperative Road Agreement from the Forest Service, Russell signed the agreement and clerk will forward the signature pages to Nicole Peltier of the Forest Service.
Liquor License motions were made and each of the three businesses will be charged a total of $100.00 for this year’s Alcohol/Cigarette/Operator licenses for this year only – due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Motions made as follows: for the Port by Gary with a second by Ken, for the South Shore Bar by Ken with a second by Gary and for Johnson’s Store by Russell with a second by Ken.
We received word that some grant money is available to help with the extra expenses the Town has incurred with the Covid-19, such as election expenses, and other expenses due to the pandemic but so far, we have not received word on how to apply for the funds, looks like $6,178 is available.
John Schmahl called in, he owns land on Quarry Shores Road and is trying to have some legal documents written up and it seems there is a question on the actual name of the road leading to his property Quarry Road, Quarry Point Road, Board was not able to help him.
Russell talked to Ab Ray and the sidewalks in the Memorial Park area could be put in as early as the middle of July, busy time for contractors now.
Due to Covid-19 our annual Clean-up, fix-up day was not scheduled but there are plenty of projects around town if anyone would like to do anything. Leanne Hess suggested pulling Knapweed at the beach, moving brush from the ditch at Twin Falls Park, removing a dying tree from the cemetery, a picnic table at the harbor needs to be sanded and re-painted or stained. The plaque on the gazebo in Memorial Park is being re-furbished by Leanne, Carl Christenson and Richard Lowney. The pay-station at the harbor is in bad shape so… anyone that has any time for work should contact Leanne for direction.
Troy reported they have been quite busy with water and sewer needs around town lately, he also has a question about sewer and water to the area just South of Town where the new storage units were built – the water line runs on the North side of the highway and the water board will need to review the PSC rules and regulations for that and we will expect to hear from them after they have a chance to meet to discuss that possibility. Sewer lines are on the South side of highway 13.
Troy also reported that most of the road graveling has been completed for this year. He was also concerned about some work that needs to be done on the backhoe, one company quoted about $3,000.00 to do a job with the valves but the backhoe would have to be taken in to their shop. He asked Gary what he thought might be best. Gary said he felt it could be done in the shop by local folks, maybe Dean or himself, they will work on that. Brett and Troy talked about the Dump/Recycling site, that has continued to be very busy this year and they wondered about a third dumpster. Decision was made to wait another month to see if things slow down a little.
Next meeting set for July 13th Meeting adjourned by Gary with a second by Ken.
Submitted by Marge Ogren, Town Clerk