7/13/2020 – Town Board Minutes

July 13, 2020                                  PORT WING TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm, by Chairman, Russell Bailey.    This meeting was virtual via Zoom in the Town Office, Russell Bailey, Ken Bodeen and Gary Williams at the table in the office, Marge was present at home to take minutes and workers Troy, DuWayne and Brett were also present.  Pam was on the stage in the Town Hall running the Zoom process and Nora was not present but had left the checks to be signed.

Motion was made to accept the minutes as presented by Ken, second by Gary. Motion was made by Gary to accept the treasurer’s report with a second by Ken.

Citizen’s Input – Sue Anderson stopped in to request we put speed bumps on Grand Ave between the park and the Town Hall as children are always running back and forth in that area.  Suggestions were made about better signage or maybe some rubber speed bumps, we will look for ideas.

We did receive quotes for the Kinney Valley Bridge Project from four engineers as follows:  Ayers of Eau Claire, WI – $23,500,   Cooper Engineering of Rice Lake, WI – $26,960, Corre Engineering – $24,982 and Cedar Corporation of Menomonie, WI for $35,436.  After some discussion a motion was made by Ken to accept the lowest bid by Ayers, a second by Gary and all approved.  Motion carried.  Copy of signed contract will be emailed to Ayers.

NEW BUSINESS:  We are still getting information daily from the State, Health Departments, Etc. concerning the Covid-19, this evening an advisory requiring face coverings starting Friday, July 17 was released.

The Health infrastructure grant we applied for will not be given this year due to the Covid-19 but we did set aside some funds for a partial fence replacement at the basketball area and Russell felt we should allow anyone that is interested in “pickle Ball” to put temporary lines on the Town Hall Floor.

The Fire Department received a grant – thanks to Security State Bank.

Alcohol, Cigarette and Operator licenses were issued and delivered to the bars and the Store.

Ambulance report was read – 5 calls for Port Wing last month.

The WisDOT has announced there will be a new procedure for accessing the enhanced Local Roads Improvement (LRIPWeb) application and will be done through the new WISDOT system.

Board reviewed the current rates for Town charges, the only change was made for a load of gravel (raised to $100.00 per load) and hourly charge for a man (raised to $50.00 per hour) and any Town Job would have to include the charge for a man, if available, of $50.00 per hour.  The School is planning a bigger parking lot so the rate will be adjusted according to the new size. Local contractors should be awarded the jobs if possible.

We received a check of $77.11 due to the lawsuit settlement for PILT payments.

Cemetery report submitted by Leann Hess was reviewed and put on file.

Russell talked about Michelle Wheeler (our DNR project manager for the Site we now have where the old sewer ponds were), it’s a beautiful project, Michelle has passed away and Sherry Haugen has taken over her job.  They would like to do some things as a tribute to Michelle and would like the Town to participate (name of the project, her husband built a bench for the area, tribute to Michelle on the sign, outreach education, work with the school, bird boxes in the area and engage citizens with work planting, etc.) They would also like to make a video with Ashland Construction, the Town and the DNR.  Sounds fantastic and all were in favor of doing all those things.

Ab Ray reported to Russell the sidewalks probably won’t be able to be installed until maybe August.

There was a fire on the beach and due to the large amount of drift wood piled up there the Fire Dept. was called out.  Gary will contact some folks to cut up the wood and spread it around to prevent any damage.

Two zoning “Town Board Recommendations” were reviewed, one for Mike Foley for Quarry Shores Road for shoreland grading and one for Robert Cassaretto to build a Wausau home, both were approved.

Troy gave a road crew report, one sewer motor is down and will be re-built, DNR wants us to pump sludge out of the sewer tanks ASAP, not sure how that is going to be accomplished, Got one section done on Lakeview Road but they need more material to do the second pass.  Bill Olson asked about getting water and sewer service to a vacant lot on Washington Ave.  Still need to do some maintenance on the back hoe.

Brett gave dump report – he is always full.  Tygar reported the fire hall will be closed to activities for a while and the Department will be suspending their meetings again due to the increase of covid-19.

Next meeting set for August 10th   Meeting adjourned by Gary with a second by Ken.
Submitted by Marge Ogren, Town Clerk

Minutes – PWTownBoard – 07/13/2020