7/16/2024 – June Town Board Minutes

June 17, 2024

Click to download PW Town Meeting Minutes 6-17-2024

Meeting called to order at 7pm, by Chairman, Scott Jardine. Present were Scott Jardine, Ken Bodeen, Carri Hoagland, Pam Holt, Nora Tribys, Brett Bodeen, Troy Kavajecz and Sam Kurland. Motion was made to accept the meeting minutes from 5-13-24 by Carri Hoagland, second by Ken Bodeen. All in favor.

Motion was made by Ken Bodeen, second by Carri Hoagland to accept the May 2024 Treasurer report. All in favor.

Citizen’s Input

Planning Commission. Gayle Gonsior reported the Planning Commission and the application for a grant with the WI DOA for the Harbor dock repairs/replacement. Bayfield County Housing is asking for rehab projects and updates on underutilized housing space. Looking into Park on Seagull Island – need to find out who owns parcels to discuss options. Board asked if the commission could put together the borders of the town “proper” (not just the sewer/sanitary district borders).

Fire Department/EMT. Reviewed Fire Department and EMT reports. The Rescue Truck is out of commission -parts are here and should be up and running soon. School presentation was a success. Applied for grant for Wild Fire turnout gear.


Solar Project/EV/Microgrid – Engineering pushed to October

Blacktop projects –will be applying again for funding.

Wisconsin DOT – Speed Limit through town/Crosswalks. We need to construct landing pad on western end of Johnson Store’s driveway for crosswalk

South Shore School Improvements – reviewed survey that was published in School District Newsletter. There is a citizens group that wants to contribute ideas/suggestions to the plan.

Clean up day is rescheduled for June 22nd – cemetery clearing, tree by pavilion. Need list for items to repair/update at town hall (plumbing, stove, etc).


Jolene Anderson hired to assist in lawncare for the town.

Reviewed DOT notice regarding blacktop work/lake access at wayside (this is in Orienta).

Lockbox break-in at harbor – will be installing camera

Recycle Bins – Republic Service charged town 4x $250 for “contamination”. People putting garbage in recycle bins (probably after hours). Install cameras – locks on lids.

Recycle Grant Awarded from DNR

ZONING REQUESTS: Everett Fisheries approved by Bayfield County. Shipping container use for residence is denied by Bayfield County.

OPERATOR’S INPUT: Troy reported they have been brushing and grading on Old 13. Garbage containers at park are continually being filled with household waste. Suggestion to bolt lids on the garbage cans. Putting gravel down on Battle Ax Rd. Cleaning up on Flagg River Road. Gravel will be going down on Flagg, White Birch, Morrision and Kinney Valley Roads. Culverts need to be ordered forWhite Birch. Suggested we put a Driveway ordinance in place. Troy gave town board samples of other town’s ordinance. Need a Particulate filter for Grader – $5k to replace. Annual report card for sewer system failed – Resolution 2024-01 created for plan to correct. Need to address long range plan for the sewer system.

Next meeting set for July 15, 2024, at 7pm AT FIRE HALL Meeting adjourned by Carri Hoagland, second by Ken Bodeen. All in favor.

Respectively Submitted by Pam Lawrenz Holt, Town Clerk