7/8/2024 – March Town Board Minutes


March 19, 2024

Click to download PW Town Meeting Minutes 3-19-2024

Meeting called to order at 7 pm, by Chairman, Scott Jardine. Present were Scott Jardine, Ken Bodeen, Carri Hoagland, Pam Holt, Nora Tribys, Brett Bodeen, Marge Ogren, Sam Kurland, and Troy Kavajecz. Motion was made to accept the meeting minutes from 2-12-2024 by Ken Bodeen, second by Carri Hoagland. All in favor. Motion was made by Carri Hoagland, second by Ken

Bodeen to accept the February 2024 Treasurer report. All in favor.

Citizen’s Input

Fire Department/EMT. Reviewed Fire Department and EMT reports. Tygar reported they have submitted a grant for turnout gear. Fire Department is hosting a Career Day with the School. An EMS/FD Training Day and Public Outreach is Saturday May 18, 2024. Reviewed Clover Ambulance Contract.


Solar Project/EV/Microgrid – We Got the Award! More to come for when project will start. Reimbursement Grant – will need temporary financing to fund project.

Blacktop projects –LRIP will be awarded in March.

Crew will put together bid for Town Road Aid for Battle Axe Road.

Sewer extension on 5th St. – Schedule Emergency Meeting for March 25, 2024 at 3pm to review bids and discuss special assessment. Need to contact owners of affected parcels.

Fish Cleaning Station – info sent to Army Corp of Engineers. Fish Boil Club willing to help with costs.

Town Signs – Art teacher at South Shore School will work with students to submit ideas.

Wisconsin DOT – Speed Limit through town. Still researching viability. Lots of data and engineering required.

Crosswalks – Herbster, Cornucopia, Port Wing interested in installing crosswalk across Highway 13. Meeting with Aaron Crist (DOT) and Bob Anderson (Bayfield County) at Herbster Gym March 27th at 10am.

Harbor Fees – Launch fees to stay the same for this season. Motion made by Ken Bodeen, second Carri Hoagland to increase overnight stay fees to – 1 night $10, Weekly $50, Monthly $200. All in Favor. Nora will get information to Carri to have a new sign made for the Harbor fees.


Discussed dredging of harbor. WDNR contacted Pam for Army Corp Lease. This will probably happen in 2025.

South Shore School Improvements Referendum. Need of $10-25 million for overdue maintenance/upgrades and expansion. Questionnaire will be sent out to community in April or May. Based on results of questionnaire, Referendum may be on November 5, 2024 ballot. Motion made by Carri Hoagland, second by Ken Bodeen to approved a Fire Extinguisher maintenance contract with Northland Fire & Safety. All in favor.

Sheila Bergman discussed Grant opportunity from Bayfield County for an Exercise for Seniors Program. Pam and Sheila to work together to get grant application submitted.

Jeff Adank, Fire Inspector, discussed Fireworks permitting process for the town. Pam to send current copy to Jeff to see if we need to amend our process/application.

Brett Bodeen suggested we charge fees for Stoves, Dryers, etc. to offset costs for transporting to Chicago Iron. Motion made by Carri Hoagland, second by Ken Bodeen to charge $10 for “non-freon” appliances at the recycling center. All in favor.


OPERATOR’S INPUT: Troy and Sam discussed Culvert Inventory almost complete. Job trailer will be moved to Bayfield County garage. . Troy as been out on grader and Sam using the Brusher tractor. Troy will talk to Steve Gustafson about doing lawn maintenance again this year. Xcel Energy is tearing up White Birch, Bodeen Hill and by Derek Jardine’s property. We have been told Xcel will clean up as project wraps up. Need to look at large culvert on 5th Street (18×70). Troy will discuss with Bob Anderson

Next meeting (Emergency for 5th Street Sewer Extension) set for March 25, 2024, at 3pm AT FIRE HALL. Next regular Town Meeting will be after Annual Town Meeting on April 16th at 7pm.

Meeting adjourned by Carri Hoagland, second by Ken Bodeen. All in favor.

Respectively Submitted by Pam Lawrenz Holt, Town Clerk