9/13/2021 – September Town Board Minutes

SEPTEMBER 13, 2021


PW Town Meeting Minutes 09-13-2021

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm, by Chairman, Russell Bailey. Present were Russell Bailey, Ken Bodeen, Scott Jardine, Marge Ogren, Pam Holt, Nora Tribys, Brett Bodeen, Troy Kavajecz and DuWayne Zupke. Pledge of Allegiance. Motion was made to accept the minutes as presented by Scott, second by Ken. All in favor. Motion was made by Ken to accept the treasurer’s report with a second by Scott. All in favor.

Citizen’s Input – John Moyer – Discussion about ATV/UTV routes in town. There is need for new signs and the ATV club does not have the resources. Board asked how much the signs would cost and wondered if there were funds available from the DNR/State. It was agreed that a meeting should be set up with the county.


Kinney Valley Road Bridge Update – nothing new to report. Will be letting out bids this winter.

Health & Recreation Grant – town has received $2,400 in donations. Historical Society will also be donating approximately $1200. Suggestion to set up a Go Fund Me.

Water/Sewer & Land Use at 82930 White Birch Road. Water line will be installed after confirmation of the sewer line installation.

Sewer repair – 9300 Gust Road. Electrician will begin work. Plumber said he will begin their work after Labor Day.

Any costs for road repair to be billed by the town to the land owner for water line installation. Motion was made to require the land owner to reimburse 100% blacktop and 50% of any other road repair costs for water line installation by Ken. Second by Scott. All in favor.

Board of Review Meeting set for October 13, 2021 from 5-7pm. Open Book meetings will be October 6th from 4-7pm and October 7th from 4-6pm.

ARPA funds -Potential projects are replacing clay tiles in the sewer system off Braff Road, update how the docks are removed in the harbor, replace shingles on outhouse at Twin Falls Park. Sewer line in ally behind Washington Ave (?) will be looked at by Rocky. Scott Wyant will quote the engineering and cost to install the sewer down the alley.

Black top – need to decide what roads are priority. The millings are not working well on Jardine Road. Repairs needed on Lakeview, Touve and White Birch Road. There is a LRIP on line meeting that Ken will attend to get update on funding.


Fire Dept/Ambulance reports read. Dustin Danula gave update on Fire Dept. A defibrillator was donated to the fire department. They are going to sell old fire department trucks by sealed bids. Will post ad in the connection.

Bayfield County got bids for new election equipment that must be replaced. We will need to budget approximately $3500 for a new ballot marker in 2022.

Reviewed proposed redistricting maps from Bayfield County with the numbers from the 2020 Census.

Board decided not to donate to Bayfield Land & Water Conservation for a dumpster for CWD prevention.

Ken will attend the WCMP Virtual Grant workshop on September 21st.

Concrete Slab waste – Board approved that Bill Gustafson can have the waste for his own use.

Old Vic Larson residence is required to hook up to sewer. Town will provide ordinance to owner.

Moose Road is maintained for approximately 950 feet.

Reviewed the Bayfield County Planning & Zoning Ordinance regarding bottling plants.

Town will need to get a .gov or a wi.gov domain for election security. Brian Chamberlin will assist Pam in getting this set up. All town officials will have a .gov email address and stop using personal emails for town business.

Announced the ribbon cutting ceremony for Highway 13 designated as National Scenic Byway Sept 15 at 3pm at the Legendary Waters Resort.

Ken will attend the LRIP outreach meeting on Sept 29

Reviewed information from the US Dept of Agriculture on funding for infrastructure in the National Forest. Information given to Troy.

ZONING REQUESTS: 9499 Sunnyside Lane request approved. 83010 Washington Ave request approved.

OPERATOR’S INPUT: Troy reported on recent activities of the Town Crew: Troy shared email received from Enbridge for free propane tank exchange at the Washburn Farm Market on Sept 15 at 3pm. Crew have been

out grading and mowing roadsides. Pre-ordered culverts for residential use. Need to make sure we get paid by resident before installation. Liners received for culverts – Bayfield County will be installing next Monday. Board asked if we needed to get rip rap delivered – Troy will follow up. DNR Rep reported that the nitrogen levels have spiked in the sewer sample testing. This has been caused because 2 pumps have been down. DNR suggested that we should have a spare pump on hand. Troy also suggested that the town install a bar screen with a scraper before it gets to the sewer plant (correct me on the wording, please). The pumps cost approximately $10,000. There was a water main break near the bank. The break was near a “bell” (?) and the crew had to find a saw to cut the pipe (it could not just be patched). Troy requested that we purchase a saw to have on hand. Cost would be $1500-2000. Town will pitch in half of cost for the water department. Old ballot box will be put by Pam’s office door on deck so items can be dropped off if she is not there. Brett reported no changes at dump. No metal after Oct 1st. No hours on Wednesday after Oct 1st. Christmas and New Year’s Day are on Saturday this year. Need to discuss alternate days those weeks.

Next meeting set for Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 7pm. (After Board of Review). Meeting adjourned by Ken with a second by Scott. All in favor.

Respectively Submitted by Pam Lawrenz Holt, Town Clerk